Can a smoke damper be a roof access window?

Creating the possibility of safe egress from a building during a fire is one of the most important tasks of fire protection systems, as well as smoke extraction systems. An element used in almost every building with a large number of people are professional smoke dampers. During a fire they perform a very important function, and in the meantime they can also be dedicated to additional tasks, such as, among others, illuminating rooms. However, can smoke dampers act as roof access windows? We discuss this topic in our post.

Can a smoke damper be a roof access window?

The smoke dampers consist of high-quality materials making them a multi-purpose structure. Particularly noteworthy is the drive and control system, which is responsible for activating the tilting segments of the smoke damper. It is thanks to it, as well as the built-in sensors, that it is possible to detect the danger early and open the smoke damper in the event of a fire.

However, ampers smoke d can perform many different functions. As we have already mentioned, one of them is to illuminate rooms, that is, to perform a task that is standardly assigned to rooflights. Such use makes comfort significantly greater, and energy bills are reduced.

However, it turns out that with additional control solutions the smoke damper can become something even more. Practice shows that it can become a roof access window. This is a solution that is gaining popularity and has many advantages. Among other things, it allows you to save space, reduce investment costs and ensure the smoke damper's multi-tasking.

Professional smoke dampers - our offer

If you are looking for high quality smoke dampers to increase security in your warehouse or industrial hall check out our offer. The two main types of products are:

  • single-wing smoke dampers,

  • double-wing smoke dampers,

which enable the removal of smoke and fire gases facilitate rescue operations and reduce possible losses due to smoke in the facility.