Technical support at every stage of implementation

Our designers with many years of experience are a team of specialists who

will comprehensively help select the right gravity smoke extraction and lighting system for different types of buildings. Our BIM models allow for instant visualization of the corresponding smoke control systems, allowing them to be perfectly matched to the project. In addition, our CAD files enable accurate design of the systems and their integration with other architectural elements.

BIM libraries are being systematically expanded and updated.

If you have any questions, our advisors are available to help.

Revit BIM Libraries

BIM libraries are not only a visual modeling of the entire building object, but also provide full, reliable information about each

of the designed elements. BIM is a modern approach to design, reflecting both the visual and technical aspects of Kera Awak's proposed products.


Currently in our libraries you can find BIM models for smoke dampers on straight (P and P2 types), slanted (S type) and straight-slanted (PS2 type) bases.


Ultimately, BIM libraries will include roof hatch, roof access windows and continuous rooflights.


The libraries provided by Kera Awak are available in:

Kera Awak script for DYNAMO add-on

The Kera Awak product catalog works with the Dynamo add-on for Revit. Dynamo is a visual programming environment that has been an integral part of Revit since version 2018. Due to the large dimensional variety of products (more than 6,000 indexes), Kera Awak decided to create a script that works specifically with the Dynamo add-on. This tool helps the designer for accurate filtration, without predetermining the type of smoke damper. The designer already has a whole family of smoke dampers at his disposal at the outset, not just one specific type. To learn more about the functionality of the script, please watch the video.